SPRING OPEN HOUSE SPRING Open House Saturday, May 3, 2025.- Our annual, free Spring Open House 10:00 AM – 2:00 PM The club opens to the community for one day of fun with trains. Come join us as we celebrate the the beginning of SPRING! It is Free for all. 11 Operating …
December 2024 Open House
Open house is December 8 from 10AM to 2PM at the club in Martin County Fairgrounds Admission is free but donations always welcome! Bring family and friends to see all layouts running! You may even find a TREASURE to bring home for year-round enjoyment!
Digitrax DCC now operational on N & HO layouts
This is the new DCC throttle, Digitrax UT6. Works with direct, infra red or duplex radio connection to your train automatically. Selection is made by the system. To operate, press the loco button on the top left and enter a decoder number, press loco button second time. Set the toggle …
O scale picture
HO News May 1, 2021
Layout converted to Digitrax DCC. Significant changes; 1. system will allow only one controller per decoder number, 2. three contact attributes a. tethered , b. duplex/radio c. infrared.
Member Posting
In an effort to make the club’s website more appealing to members, we have made it possible, during this trial period, for any member who is logged in to add a post. Bill F, 5/12/2021
Sugar Tour!
In the Spring of this year, MCMR members were invited to tour the U.S. Sugar plant in Clewiston Florida.U.S. Sugar produces 800,000 tons of sugar each year. That’s one billion, six hundred million pounds of sugar. Sweet!The company provided the bus, the guides and a meal among other things, all …
Summertime News
Sadly, Martin County Model Railroaders lost our fellow member, John Penicnak this summer. John, an enthusiastic model train man, was an effective and dedicated leader of our organization. He provided direction and he he helped introduce some innovative ideas, not the least of which was the concept of raising funds …
West Side Layout is Officially Under Construction
Yesterday afternoon we started building the West Side layout. The fact that there was an on going tornado warning did not stop progress! In a short span of time, with many hands, a number pieces of benchwork were completed with precision. Members met from 3 PM to just before 7 …