Mission Statement
The Martin County Model Railroader Club is a not for profit club for members over 18 years of age.
Our mission is to create a model railroad club for the purpose of building, improving, owning and operating model railroad layouts for the use and enjoyment of our members, to provide a forum for the study , collecting and expression of model railroading information and equipment, to invite and educate the public, especially youth groups, in the pleasure and enjoyment of model railroading.
Camaraderie and enjoyment of model trains are paramount.
The club has a Toy Train, Collectible/Hobby Show every year, goes to train shows, as well as runs trains during the Martin County Fair each year. We have two Open Houses per year in December and May. We are open during the Orchid Show each year. Additional sessions are held for special groups such as seniors, Scouts and children with special needs as well as other groups as requested.
Membership and Visiting
The ideal time to visit is at 7:00 PM on the first Thursday of each month. This is our monthly meeting date when members are guaranteed to be present and happy to show you around.
Visitors and new members are always welcome. Club members are often working on projects at the club on various days and evenings at the Martin County Fairgrounds.
2024-2025 Officers
President.................Dennis Ciaglo
Vice President.......Jerry Murphy
Treasurer.................Dennis Harrington
Secretary.................Pat Schepleng
Board Member.....Gary Hawkins
Board Member.....Rocky Goheen
Board Member.....Larry McCarthy
Club History
Martin County Model Railroaders was formed in August, 1993 by three model railroaders who lived in Stuart. Even before the Club had a layout or many members it began its service to the community by spearheading a train show and display at Christmas time for the Martin County Historical Society. Within a year members had grown to ten and a layout was started at a local hobby shop. However, the hobby shop closed shortly thereafter and the Club vacated the space. Within a year the Club acquired new space at the Elliott Museum on Hutchinson Island and the layout was renovated in a space in the Museum, where it was relocated three times within the Museum. However, in 1998 a change in Museum direction and philosophy downplayed "transportation" and the Club was asked to move out.
For six months the disassembled layout sat in a trailer owned by Armellini Company of Stuart, until the Martin County Fair Association granted the Club a space 20 X 40 feet in Building E -with the proviso that the Club should run trains during the annual County Fair. We agreed and the first time trains ran publicly at the Fairgrounds was in February 1999 and for a decade this has become an annual attraction at the Fair. The very modern Digital Command Control (DCC) operating system was installed which multiplied the capacity of the model layout.
In 2005 the Fairgrounds gave the Club thirty more feet of space and the layout was expanded with a new railroad yard. The layout itself has always been focused on the best and most reliable operating system with imaginative scenery and model buildings with a high level of detail and imagination.
During the last few years, the club has expanded to encompass the entire building. We have permanent layouts in N, S, HO, HOn30, O, PreWar, Christmas Dept 57, G and two hands-on children's layouts. In addition, we maintain the layouts at the Children's and Elliott Museums and at U.S. Sugar.
Since those early days in 1993, Martin County Model Railroaders has grown to 46 members and the Club has continued its focus on the support of the community by inviting the community to come and learn about railroading and to have fun running the trains on the model railroad.