Category: Uncategorized
MCMR N Scale
Listen to Our Own Wesley Phillips on WQCS Radio
Recently Wesley was interviewed by Mr. Drew Mello of WQCS Radio, NPR for the Treasure Coast, 88.9 on the dial. Wesley made an excellent presentation on behalf of our club. In particular, he emphasizes our upcoming open house. Wesley is to be commended for the time and effort he put …
Raffle Layout is Full Steam Ahead Plus the Art of Model Building
Larry Greenley has sent two photos in recently. The first is of the continuing progress being made as this years Raffle Layout comes into existence. It is really coming along well thanks to some dedicated MCMR members.The second photo is an example of ‘scratch building’. Scratch building refers to building …
2015 Raffle Layout in Progress
Newest Photos, August 2014
Listen to FEC Radio Dispatcher
At the August meeting, Bill Smet mentioned that it might be interesting to hear the radio traffic of the Florida East Coast trains that go along the rails behind the club. In order to hear such broadcasts, one needs a radio tuned to the FEC frequencies. After some research, …
August Meeting
The August meeting will take place on Thursday, August 7, 2014 at 7:00 PM.
New Photos
Some new photos of our trains by Dean Writer have been added to the Martin County Fair area of the web site, with one photo on the welcome page. Thank you Dean.
Solder & Wire Class
The ability to solder correctly is one of the major skills that anyone in model railroading needs to acquire if a layout’s electrical integrity is to be assured.Larry McCarthy held a very informative instructional class last night, April 9th, 2014. Larry covered the many aspects of proper and effective techniques …